A simple and quick technique for anxiety or stress.
When under stress, our brains become hypervigilant and on high alert. We can become over sensitised to danger and overestimate the threat. This send our nervous system into overdrive. Grounding techniques can help to bring our brains back into logical brain from emotional brain. By using your senses you can focus your attention on your surroundings and bring yourself back into the moment. This can help stop those racing thoughts and lower the anxiety. I have used this one myself and it does help.
Look around your surroundings and notice -
5 things you can see. Focus in on each thing, noticing the detail, the colours.
4 things you can touch/feel. This may be the breeze on your skin, your clothing, the ground beneath your feet. Or it may be physical objects nearby - I can touch the chair or the table, any object. Notice the feel of it.
3 things you can hear - this may be noise around you or from outside - people passing by, the wind, birds. Listen and focus on the sound.