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Updated: Dec 20, 2023

So you are frightened of something and want to put this fear in it's place. You feel absolute panic or disgust at the object or thing you fear. So much so that even the mention of it can be enough to send you into a cold sweat. You dread seeing the object or being anywhere near it. This thing can be an animal, insect, an inanimate object or material - anything really and nothing will sound silly to me.
You may be consciously aware that your phobia is irrational, you may wonder why you can't just stop being scared of it, but it's your subconscious mind that holds onto the fear. We can reframe your fears and get you feeling better about it!
I have successfully worked with many clients to free them from their phobia, quickly and effectively. For phobia resolution stories see real-life client stories below.

Client Sarah consulted me with a debilitating fear of the dentist, which had prevented her from being able to seek dental treatment at all without general anesthesia. Routine check ups were virtually impossible and Sarah would experience extreme panic.

Sarah tells her story here in her own words and had kindly offered to share her experiences.

"For 10 years I rarely visited the dentist and when I did I suffered severe panic attacks and if any treatment needed doing I needed to be referred to the hospital for general anaesthetic.

Dental phobia
I had a bad experience as a young child which had caused the fear. For the next 10 years, I rarely visited the dentist, and when I did, I suffered severe panic attacks and if any treatment needed doing I needed to be referred to the hospital for a general anesthetic. I tried other therapies; these had given techniques for while being at the dentist, however with little success (still had severe panic attacks, nightmares leading up to appointment and any treatment still needed to be done while under general anesthetic).
I then decided to give hypnotherapy a go and consulted Claire. My experience with hypnosis was relaxed and informal. The results have been amazing, I had no panic attacks or nightmares and have had regular dentist appointments. I recently had a filling done with the same results - my dentist was amazed and in shock afterward. I'm doing really well I've now had all my treatment at the dentist. The changes for me have been more than at the dentist. I no longer have to block my ears or leave the room if someone talking about dentists!"
I caught up with Sarah three years on from her Hypnotherapy treatment and this is what she had to say -

"The difference in me is amazing. I had a filling at the weekend and was fine and out within 15 minutes. The dentist can't believe the difference."

Amy visited me with a phobia of velvet - we managed to resolve this one with hypnotherapy. See Amy's comments and review here as well as a photo of her touching the material after the session! Shared with kind permission.
"Never ever thought I'd see the day coming so close to something I had a phobia of. Feels good not to have a full-on panic attack and break down at the sight or even the word. Can't thank you enough!!" - Amy

Hypnotherapy for phobia

Hypnotherapy for phobia


Phobia of Birds - with thanks to Abi

After a fear of birds for over 10 years of my life, I decided to try hypnotherapy. I was recommended Claire by a friend of my mothers, and I am honestly so glad I decided to give it a go. Claire erased any previous presumptions about hypnotherapy and took the time to understand my fear in depth. She has a way of making you feel so calm and at ease especially when talking about the fear itself which often feels embarrassing or silly.
My fear of birds meant I would avoid them at all costs, make longer trips to not be near them, etc, I couldn't eat outside in case they came near me, and so on. After one session with Claire, I instantly felt better, she gave me a selection of relaxation techniques that I find useful in everyday situations, not just my fears.
My fear of birds meant I would avoid them at all costs, make longer trips to not be near them, etc, I couldn't eat outside in case they came near me, and so on.
After one session with Claire, I instantly felt better, she gave me a selection of relaxation techniques that I find useful with everyday situations, not just my fears.
The ultimate test came in the form of my first holiday with my boyfriend. We were going to Venice and Rome and wanted to eat outside in the nice weather. The difference in my reactions to the birds was immense. I walked through St. Mark's square and did not feel fear or panic. I could let them walk near me without running away. In fact, I can barely remember even being scared of them.
This has made a big change in my life and I could not thank Claire enough for her help and support. THANK YOU!"


Phobia of wasps

To banish your phobia and start living calmer, get in touch

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